1ST-111.ZIP 855,067 05-28-93 1stReader v1.11; The complete reader system.A totally new concept in offline mailreaders. EVERYTHING you need for offlinemail. Telecom, internal ZIP, editors, GIFand NAPLPS viewers, Sound Blaster and MIDIsupport, e
ACCNET32.ZIP 57,207 09-24-93 AccessNet; Network In a class by itself
AFIX420E.ZIP 471,633 06-18-93 ALLFIX is the most complete file echoprocessor available. ALLFIX offers suchfeatures as automatic archive conversion,automaticly updating alias files, 4-D pointaddressing, XMS/EMS support, complete AreaMgsupport, Up
AMER9307.ZIP 15,190 07-10-93 AmericaNet Echo Mail Net Info File July 1993Are you looking for a .QWK/PCRelay Network?Well, here is a good one. We have conferencedealing with computers, software, hardware,reviews, and probably just about anything
ANNX0893.ZIP 21,892 08-06-93 The Annex Information Packet. Not a computenetwork... a people network! Find out moreabout this exciting new QWK network. Allof our procedures, policies, conference andnode listings, and admission information
AUTO170S.ZIP 58,321 12-02-93 AutoMail v1.70 Standard for Tag BBS
AUTOREQ.ZIP 54,450 01-01-94 AutoRequest 1.0 Download files via TomCat
BAYNET13.ZIP 5,848 08-28-93 BayNet Information Packet Massachusetts basenetwork. Easy to join, fun, family orientednet. New nodes and hubs needed and welcomedNo fees, no hassles.
BBSL_KIT.ZIP 13,911 01-04-94 Information Package for the BBSList FileDistribution Network. It contains severalinformation files about the BBSList FDN.
BNP_600.ZIP 55,705 10-11-93 BNP v6.00. The BinkleyTerm Netmail Packer.Many options.
BTTRIBBS.ZIP 7,223 08-14-93 BTTRIBBS; BinkleyTerm and TriBBS. These arethe files I use to operate my TriBBS systemwith the BinkleyTerm mailer. Includes thefollowing INIT-BI.BAT, RUNBINK.BAT,SPAWNBBS.BAT, BINKLEY.BAN, and the modifiedTriBBS BOA
BW300MAX.ZIP 315,389 07-18-93 The Blue Wave Offline Mail Door for Maximusv3.00. This version of the mail door iscompatible with Maximus v2.00 and v2.00wb.Contains massive amounts of new features,including internal protocols, new msg packinoptio
CN312-SW.ZIP 165,593 08-19-93 Circuitnet Net-mail Software from CyberTechfor Spitfire.
CNT9305.ZIP 30,284 05-10-93 CatNET Echo Mail Network Information packet.CatNET is a QWK format echo mail network. NOfees! No hassles! Great conversations! Easyto hook into. Hubs nationwide! This packagcontains detailed information for intere
CN_INFO.ZIP 21,978 07-09-93 CircuitNet info file for joining
COMPR313.ZIP 69,836 11-20-93 Compress v3.13 (Real Mode version),Compress/286 v3.11 (Protect Mode version)Utility that will allow users of manydifferent mailers and bulletin board systemsto compress their log files
CONFFIX.ZIP 38,870 11-29-93 ConfFix v3.06 The Conference Rearranger
CONFINDX.ZIP 4,360 07-12-93 The confindx.txt file for July 1993 (Rime).07/12/13.
CON_NET.ZIP 8,219 10-19-93 CON_Net; dedicated to LIBERTY, 2nd AMENDMENT'Conspiracy' & the NWO discussion. CON_Net ia QWK compatible echo mail network and isactivly seeking Hubs and Nodes.
CPOINT01.ZIP 537,513 08-03-93 cPoint v0.10beta; Point software that allowsanyone to become a 'point' to a FidoNetsystem. Automated mail pickup and deliverywithout the need to log in to the BBS and usQWK or similar setups. Requires someknowledge
CPPE9309.ZIP 9,952 09-16-93 PCBoard [PPE] v3.0; Centipede Network Prograto install and let Users view what Centipedeis about, and also generates Applications.NEW: Sysop Menu allows defining of thecontrol file! New Concept Of Network Help!
CROSS602.ZIP 17,101 05-31-93 Zone Nodelist for CROSSNET
CYBR0993.ZIP 6,569 08-24-93 CyberNet Node/Hub Application Form
DBLS201B.ZIP 30,527 08-13-93 DBLogScan v2.01b; Written for the inquiringD'Bridge Sysop who would like to know howmany incoming calls he has had and at whatspeed they came in at. It will also give yothe percentage of 'Connects' per total callsa
DLC_250.ZIP 34,555 01-18-94 DLC 2.50 Supports InterMail, new DLCTT 1.06
DOVE0793.ZIP 334,165 07-30-93 DoveMail is a program that will read anuncompressed UseNet batched newsgroups fileextract the messages and send them to othernodes according to a control file. It'swritten primary for use in FidoNet, but mayfind app
DRAGOAPP.ZIP 9,056 09-04-93 This is the current DragoNet node applicatiopackage! Join an established and growing Netoday! DragoNet is a FIDO compatible Net witdiscussions on programming, space, thesciences, and plenty more to come!
DS21MCF.ZIP 1,198 11-19-93 New USR-DS 21.6 .mcf File D'Bridge/Wildcat
DTQWK11.ZIP 207,783 07-19-93 DT-QWK, v1.1; Program for readingQWK-compatible message packets. It featuresfull use of colours, a message base,SAA-style user interface and support forSLBBS include statements.
EBOONE.ZIP 147,690 07-20-93 Qnet v1.03 trouble reports in QWK format.
ELIST01.ZIP 83,943 08-15-93 EchoList Ver 0.1ß; The main purpose forEchoList is to inform your users theavailable conference (echos) in the network.Hopefully the users will respond and you wilbe able to decide what echos to carry.
ESPRO_01.ZIP 81,199 08-15-93 Echomail Statistics Professional 0.1ß;(EchoStat) generates a statistic forNet/Echomail using the WildMail logfile. Italso trims the logfile and copy it to abackup directory using a julian date.EchoStat performance
EUR081.ZIP 39,304 05-31-93 Check log's of front door & other tocalculate money to pay.
FD-9307.ZIP 7,178 07-02-93 Friends Network Mail Packet, July, 1993"Come Join The Friendly Network"Nodelist, Conference List, Network RulesNetwork Membership Application, News
FD211.ZIP 642,986 09-27-93 This archive contains the original FrontDoor2.11.SW AV'd .ARJ, as the author desires itto remain.
FD2WC1.ZIP 23,441 11-29-93 Pass MNP flag from FrontDoor 2.11 to WC30
FDCA110.ZIP 41,339 09-25-93 FDCA110; FrontDoor Cost Accounting v1.1;Allow sysops to quickly estimate thier phonebill. Includes support for FrontDoorMultiLine and Commercial versions. Many newfeatures available.
FDFAQ004.ZIP 8,395 06-18-93 Frequently Asked Questions about Front Door
FDLS100C.ZIP 28,279 07-16-93 FD LogScan 1.00c. A Front Door log scanningutility that tracks incoming calls and speedto a graphic screen
FDRPM101.ZIP 31,129 08-11-93 FrontDoor Request Processor for Maximus v1.0FDRPM is an external file request (FREQ)processor for FrontDoor and Maximus
FDSTSF10.ZIP 21,093 01-19-94 FD_Stats For Spitfire! v1.0 Creates nicedisplay screens showing stats taken fromFront Door! Very Fast!
FDTN002U.ZIP 4,335 07-04-93 FrontDoor & RA Technical Update Note #002Using the OS/2 version 2.1 GA Release withFrontDoor v2.02 and above. and RemoteAccessv2.00 or above.
FDWCMNP3.ZIP 22,739 09-05-93 FDWCMNP v2.1 For Users of Wildcat v3.x andFrontDoor v2.x. Utility that parses theDOBBS.BAT file created by FrontDoor andpasses the MNP flag to Wildcat through theEXEBBS.BAT file you create.
FECV130.ZIP 105,469 09-12-93 FEConv v1.30; Convert FastEcho area cfg toFD/RA, etc.
FET_130.ZIP 67,876 09-13-93 FETools - FastEcho value added tools 1.30.
FIDO1160.ZIP 99,511 06-25-93 FidoGate for GT Power BBS
FILEBONE.ZIP 16,729 10-19-93 North American FileBone and File Echo Listin
FIXPKT5A.ZIP 15,268 11-26-93 PacketFixer: Attempt to rescue a grunged maibundle.
FLST115.ZIP 69,540 08-19-93 Flexible and powerful nodelist compiler
FM110A3.ZIP 142,062 10-16-93 Freemail 1.10a3 Spitfire <> Fido Mail toss
FMAIL96G.ZIP 192,129 07-29-93 FMail 0.96g; A Fast Echomail and netmailprocessor for the Hudson message base. FMailhas a built-in AreaFix-like function, calledAreaMgr, with new commands like %RESCAN,%ACTIVE and %PASSIVE. Six different types oar
FMM10.ZIP 20,950 08-11-93 Forum Menu Maker for Gap/MainMail v1.0;Utility to automate the creation of forummenus on GAP BBSes running the MainMail doorCreates ASCII and Xcoded listings divided bynetworks. Notes whether forum is private andor
FNEWSA29.ZIP 29,164 07-19-93 FIDO NEWS Vol.10 No.29; A newsletter of theFidoNet BBS community
FNMAIL42.ZIP 118,062 06-28-93 FNETMAIL v4.2; QWK Mail Door for FeatherNetBBS v4.20 & up. Supports up to 25 externalprotocols including any Bi-Directionalprotocol. Produces .QWK packets and exports.REP packets to facilitate reading andediting of
FPCB210.ZIP 8,521 08-12-93 FPCBNM v2.10; PCBoard 15.0 [PPE] program toreplace the (E)nter a Message command in youFidoNet netmail conference. Simplifies userinput for both normal FidoNet netmail as welas sending mail into UUCP using FidoNetga
FREDNET.ZIP 3,212 06-21-93 FredNet Information; About the fastestgrowing net in the U.S. We have grown to 288BBS's in less than a year. FredNet isunmoderated has no rules, and sets theliberals hair on fire. Folks of all leaningsjump in and en
FREQL10.ZIP 51,231 01-21-94 FREQLIST creates a report of File Request acbase format (.MSG, Hudson, SQUISH, JAM, or Ecounters for RABBS Sysops.
FX2RB11.ZIP 41,028 11-14-93 FX2RB.EXE v1.1ß, Run Silver Xpress With /FX!Reads RoboBOARD/FX Config Files And Writes AMinumum RoboBoard 1.08 Config, Mail, File,Userbase files.File/Record locking.FREEWARE WITH ONLY 1 RESTRICTION! See DocsFor Mo
FXNM_201.ZIP 30,344 10-16-93 FX-NETMAIL v2.01 for Roboboard /FX
GEDIT201.ZIP 119,536 07-01-93 GEdit is a feature loaded full-screen messageditor for use with on-line bulletin boardsystems. GEdit will improve your bulletinboard system by providing a fast and easymethod for users to enter/reply to messages.
GLNK0793.ZIP 88,740 07-06-93 ┌───────[ The Global-Link Network ]───────┐├─── Electronic Bulletin Board Service ───┤│ International Conference & Mail Network │├─── Information & Application Packet ────┤│ Over 400 International Echo Conferences │
GMSG406.ZIP 84,948 12-05-93 GenMsg v4.06; FidoNet compatable messageviewer/editing system designed for systemsusing the *.msg format of message storage.
GOSCAN20.ZIP 219,823 01-10-94 GOSCAN v2.00 - The Ultimate GOMail LogAnalyzer/Scanner. New Features: NetMailSupport; Conference/TNet Support; BINARYdatabases instead of ASCII; RequiresDEMO/REGISTERED Keys
GTEL0515.ZIP 54,866 05-15-93 GT Network International Echomail
GTNL0528.ZIP 26,179 05-28-93 Nodelist for GT Network InternationalEchomail
HUBRUN10.ZIP 22,539 06-05-93 HUBRUN v1.0; Customized {COMMO} v.5.4 scriptfor automating mailruns with TriBBS systemsthat offer the TriHub door. Supports anymethod of getting to TriHub (Main Menu, MesgMenu, Door Menu, or Direct). Standaloneins
IBN_INFO.ZIP 7,876 07-14-93 This is an informational packet outlining thdetails of the "Information Brokers Network"
IE100B05.ZIP 172,155 01-01-94 InterEcho 1.00 beta 5 - Echomail tosserfor Wildcat, PCBoard, *.msg. Fast andeasy to setup. Works with any mailerbut best with InterMail. Will soonsupport Squish, Novell MHS, Searchligt,JAM, EzyCom and others. Wide a
ILAPP24.ZIP 47,086 07-01-93 ILink APPlication Form Generator v.2.4:Provides background information about theILink international echomail network andgenerates application forms for both existinmember updates and new member applications
ILCNF309.ZIP 35,428 09-15-93 Official ILink International Conference ListAll ILink conferences with descriptions andhosts; short list suitable for a bulletin.
ILNK0993.ZIP 50,311 09-01-93 Official ILink International NetMail NetworkMembership Lists and Network Map
IM226JAN.ZIP 783,149 01-01-94 InterMail 2.26/demo InterEcho 1.00.b05/demoFront end mailer, echomail tosser, messageeditor, nodelist manager and setup program.For Wildcat, PCBoard, *.msg. Fast and easyto setup. Will soon support Squish, NovellMHS
IMWCMNP3.ZIP 22,904 09-05-93 Utility to pass the MNP flag from InterMailto WildCat 3.x.
INTP0793.ZIP 453,843 05-31-93 The Global-Link Network; Electronic BulletinBoard Service International Conference & MaiNetwork INTRO Files for conference descripsFor PCBoard Systems in Color!
INTRECHO.ZIP 19,145 01-01-94 Info about InterMail 2.26 and InterEcho 1.00Front end mailer, echomail tosser, messageeditor, nodelist manager and setup program.For Wildcat, PCBoard, *.msg. Fast and easyto setup. Will soon support Squish, NovellMH
JCQWK201.ZIP 203,009 10-03-93 JCQWK v2.01g; QWK Mail Door for RemoteAccess2.01 only. Now supports RIP Graphics,abreviated area names, dupe checking andTearline checking. Both JAM and Hudsonformats supported, Multiple languages,hotkeys, and all R
JOBNET.ZIP 6,716 06-06-93 Information Package on the NEW JOBNET EchoMail Network for Job Seekers and Employers!
JOIN300.ZIP 12,764 07-26-93 JOIN v3.00; [PPE] for PCBoard 15.0 systemsthat allows users to choose conferences froma list of networks. JOIN also allows usersto view the list the same old way as before.Now users can scan for a particularconfere
KILTOS10.ZIP 47,204 11-08-93 *************** KILLTOSS 1.0 **************Killtoss v1.0 - Incoming File Management forSatellite Systems. If you are a member ofPlanet Connect or another Satellite systemthis will monitor incoming files, read yourt
KILTOS11.ZIP 47,577 12-27-93 ************** KILLTOSS 1.1 ***************Killtoss v1.1 - Incoming File Management forSatellite Systems. If you are a member ofPlanet Connect or another Satellite systemthis will monitor incoming files, read yourt
KMAIL296.ZIP 117,864 07-17-93 KMAIL v2.96; QWK compatible Mail door for PC14.5+, TPA interface, Network compatible.HS/Link bi-directional support. Prescannemail packets and online help. File "serviceshandy for network hubs. File locking/sharin
KPROT19.ZIP 36,367 09-14-93 Kill Protect V1.9. Utility to mark allmessages as "Kill Protect". This utility wilread from the GTMDIR.BBS and mark allmessages Kill Protect, UNLESS they arecurrently marked as Private. Version 1.9 wilcreate a work
KREADER.ZIP 225,282 10-17-93 KREADER - The first Mail reader designedsoley for SF users. Circuit Net Node routingbuilt in, Windows type interface, supportsspell checkers, Ansi screens, RIP viewers.
LAKOTA.ZIP 21,381 12-26-93 LAKOTA QWK SPITFIRE Mail Door v1.2; Small &
LINK0993.ZIP 19,298 09-30-93 LinkUSA Communications Network Information!LinkUSA offers many conferences of interestto young and mature alike. Passed in the.QWK or Fido format, LinkUSA is compatiblewith most any system. This packet contains
LN0893.ZIP 2,965 08-01-93 LostNet is looking for sysops to carry thisnet devoted only to having fun. No lengthyapplication procedures. Virtually no rules ored tape. First come, first served. Quick aneasy approval if you run a 24Hr/day BBS and
LOTTO993.ZIP 4,070 08-21-93 LOTTONET-QWKNet HUB/INFO Packet; This is aNew QWK Compatible Message Mail Network forthose Systems Having any interest in theLottery, Gambling and related subjects Easyand No hassle sign up. Learn the secretsfrom t
LR35.ZIP 32,805 06-22-93 LSTRELAY 3.5 Network/IMPORT mail bull. prgrmWorks with PCRelay, PostLink, GAPnet, Rnet,Tnet and IMPORT to create rotating display oASCII/ANSI news files regarding last transfeWill use UTIs to import a report to SysOp
LTAG10.ZIP 1,398 09-17-93 Local Tagline v1.0; PCBoard .PPE that letsyou use your taglines when logged on locallyFully configurable and FREE!
LUVNET05.ZIP 11,210 10-03-93 Application kit for LUV_NET adult only echonetwork
MAILBOX.ZIP 89,875 10-16-93 Log on E-Mail system. Users can read andreply to E-Mail during LOGON, before theyreach the BBS. Features "Junk Mail" to sendmail to all users by levels (GAP BBS only).
MAILCHEK.ZIP 124,657 11-20-93 MAILCHEK v2.1 - skip mail scan if last calleleft no messages. Checks Activity Log todetermine if any messages were entered whichrequire scanning. Skip WildMail or other maitosser if not necessary. Can check entire lo
MFIX402.ZIP 32,947 08-23-93 MAILFIX v4.02 - Purge/repair/re-size/renumbeRBBS-PC message bases. Originally part ofthe Mail Manager QWK mail door package, thisstand-alone version comes complete withQB4/PDQ source code. Version 4 has been speup
MGLST201.ZIP 34,310 07-25-93 SFMGLST v2.01; creates MGLST<x>.BBS/CLRfiles for all your SPITFIRE BBS conferenceareas. Each conference having conference are#, description, Net, Msg type, and totalactive messages listed
MHZNET07.ZIP 6,567 05-19-93 MHZ Computers Support Network Application
MKMU100.ZIP 127,092 08-15-93 MK Message Utilities; Squish, Jam, *.Msg,Hudson, and Ezy MK Message Source routines(TP OOP source to access various message basformats).
MKNET112.ZIP 217,671 11-10-93 MKNet v1.12 QWK network tosser for MK, RA,Quick, Super, and other systems usingHudson, Jam, Squish, Ezy, or *.Msg Messagebases. Fast and easy to setup. (FW)
MMHSCR15.ZIP 6,240 09-20-93 For TriBBS 5.0, Qmodem mailruns: Qmodemscript, sample event batch & How-To textfile. Includes: variable multiple re-dialfor busy, dropped-carrier, etc. with retrylimits, multi-UL/DL retries if fail, logactivity to
MMREP150.ZIP 14,309 08-26-93 MM Rep v1.5; Making Mail Managable! MM Repwill convert text files into .REP packets,which can be uploaded to your BBS, andinserted into your mail database.
MQWK12C.ZIP 54,032 11-10-93 MicroQwk 1.2 Offline Reader, Lakota support
MSG4U10.ZIP 1,597 10-06-93 Message For You v1.0; PCBoard .PPE that willbeep you or your caller's when reading amessage online addressed to you/them.
MSGNUM13.ZIP 10,003 11-05-93 MsgNum v1.3 - Hudson Message Baseutility to help determine necessityof linking incoming mail. Why linka whole message base when only twomessages came in?! MsgNum will saveyour hard drive from unneccesaryreading a
MSGTRM12.ZIP 76,531 08-16-93 Message Trim v1.2; Utility to removeunwanted Tag Lines, Quotes, ReaderSignitures, and Bridging Tags from the textof GT messages. v1.2 adds over 30 items tothe search list, and adds the ability tospecify trailing sp
MSI_NET.ZIP 16,141 12-06-93 Information on MSI SupportNET echohosted by Mustang Software, Inc.Conferences for WILDCAT!, Qmodem,and OLX/SLMR, plus the only vendorsupported Electronic Coffee House"Off Topic" conference. Includessample config, s
NDRPT104.ZIP 23,805 10-17-93 Utility was developed for the purpose ofcreating a specific type of report from aFidoNet Nodelist. The report lists Nodes byZone and Region.
NDXPRO_9.ZIP 52,720 07-20-93 NDXPro v9.0; will make NDX files from QWK orREP packets! Helpful for corrupted packets,or message networks!
NETCHK10.ZIP 35,070 12-27-93 Hubs, close Nodes at specified times for NetSet up the times you want to have Nodes callSet up the nodes you want to shut down for jSet up to 9 different Security levels for No
NETDAY21.ZIP 38,346 09-04-93 NETDAY v2.1; utility that will quickly andeasily display the current NETMAIL date foryou. If you ever wondered what the currentNETMAIL (Julian) date was, then this utilityis for you. NETDAY will accept an echomailc
NETLST10.ZIP 51,515 11-02-93 NETLIST Your Message Network Information ManVersion 1.0 Beta, this is a unique, clever vuse mouse or hot key driven Message Networkmanager. Designed for the SysOp who wishesactive easy to use Database of the Message
NETST31.ZIP 48,391 08-05-93 NetSTATi v3.1 Edit your NET file from UUPCB,create a PCBoard BLT file with header, avgcps, total pkts sent, total pks recievedstats, does Newsgroup information! FreeWare
NJOIN101.ZIP 8,430 07-12-93 NJOIN v1.01 - This ppe will allow your usersto select which NETWORK to view and then whaconference to join from within that network.A MUST for boards carrying more than 1 Net.
NTMGR95P.ZIP 42,496 07-03-93 NetMgr - copy, move, delete, change andbounce netmail.. NetMgr is a program thatwill scan the messages in one area (usuallythe netmail area), and analyse the headers othose messages.
NWNPOLIC.ZIP 2,848 08-29-93 New World Network; Policy, Information &Conference List
O_QWK11.ZIP 81,683 12-31-93 QWK mail door, Opus 1.7+, from Portugal
PCB_INET.ZIP 10,811 07-31-93 PCBoard Systems Active on the Usenet
PEN_9309.ZIP 12,256 09-01-93 Planet Earth Network! Important Issues of th90's!! No fees! We have many Regional Hubsready for swift approval within 48 hrs! 45+members in 6 countries in our 1st month!Check out the Planet Earth Network today andhe
PNET231A.ZIP 6,817 08-02-93 PlaNet: List of all BBS'es affiliated withPlaNet.
POINT178.ZIP 175,244 01-13-94 PPoint - Professional Point - Automatic Setuand Maintenance. Automatically accepts andsets up new areas. Simple to use. Sets upand interfaces transparently with Binkley.4d or FakeNet addressing. Efficient messaged
PPQWK108.ZIP 95,688 01-02-94 PPoint - Professional Point MODULEOptional QWK support module allowsQWK access using PPoint's efficientmessage database system. By theauthor of OFFLINE, Harvey Parisien.
P_BPOST.ZIP 19,329 09-06-93 Pen and Brush Net for Writers & Artists;P&BNet is a fast-growing network for writersand artists. We feature direct feeds frompublishers and news items from galleries. Weare using regular .QWK packets AND Postlinkto
QNODE202.ZIP 85,912 10-09-93 QNODE nodelist processor. Can use EMS if youhave it.
QNODX202.ZIP 187,660 10-09-93 DPMI version. Requires an 80286+ w/ 2Megs of
QQL122.ZIP 43,532 11-26-93 QQLink v1.22 Reply Linker Squish Msg Base
QREAD31.ZIP 150,910 09-24-93 QReader 3.1. Powerful On-Line text readerfor publications (USA), tutorials, reports.Scroll text with PgDn, PgUp, Home and End.Scroll left & right for text over 80 chars.Full featured Find & Repeat find facilitydisp
QWKTXT.ZIP 15,863 05-14-93 QWKTXT.ZIP takes a .QWK mail archivedownloaded from a BBS & converts the messageinto an ASCII text files.
RENUMSG.ZIP 10,040 11-13-93 RENUMSG v1.3; SPITFIRE Utility To RenumberMessages
REV1UTI.ZIP 34,671 07-12-93 Powerboard BBS 1 UTI drivers. For use withUTI-1 type mail software, such as the TNET.qwk message networking system.
RLY0993.ZIP 192,285 09-22-93 Infomation on joining RIME (RelayNet)network, a 1000 node network cris-crossingthe globe, fastest mail turnaround of anynetwork, powerful software, great users- ove400 active conferences, product supporthobbyist, so
RTMBP310.ZIP 110,333 09-06-93 RBBS Turbo Message Base Packer v3.10: Messagand USER Maintenance utility for RBBS-PC.Supports Both RBBS Msg Formats. Packs,Purges, Renumbers Msg Bases. Deletes oldUsers from User Files. Too many features tomention.
RTUTI101.ZIP 64,195 12-10-93 RBBS 'Turbo' UTI Rev 2.01 Ver 1.01Universal Text Interface (UTI) forRBBS-PC and Postlink(tm). This UTIwas designed to work specificalywith PostLink(tm).
SEAL_030.ZIP 174,193 12-10-93 Seal 0.30 AreaFix/Raid/Tick for SquishMail
SEEKNET9.ZIP 30,551 08-31-93 SEEKNET! Is a Professionally run, QualityInternational Mail Net compatible with both.qwk & Front-End type mail transfers.Designed with BOTH the User and Sysop inmind, it has become one of the most popularNets aroun
SERCHNT1.ZIP 28,319 08-06-93 An independent network for the support of alpeoples. Discussion of Paranormal, andSpiritual experiences, with a theme of eachperson SEARCHing for his individual PATH, orreason for living. Includes discussion ofUFOs
SEXNET16.ZIP 6,164 09-01-93 WBS Presents; SEXnet v1.6 Start-Up Kit! Acomplete network of Adult Only TopicsIncludes BBSlists, Subslist, Doocs, etc..Must be 18 or over to Host the net or be apart of the net! VBBS style network!
SF-FREE.ZIP 15,087 12-07-93 SF-FREE v1.2; FreeMail Statistics BulletinCreator! This Utility Reads the FreeMail LoTo Make Ansi/Ascii/RIP Screen(s) of FreemailStats!
SFCN1093.ZIP 10,581 10-05-93 Circuitnet Net-mail node list for Oct.'93.
SFJETBUL.ZIP 14,677 12-10-93 SFJETBUL v1.0; Spitfire Bulletin Creator!Reads from JetMail Log to make a bulletin ofStatistics for Sysops who use JetMail!
SFN30630.ZIP 21,365 07-05-93 SciFacNet; Professional science engineeringmessage net For Scientists, Students andEngineers Information/Application/RegionalsQWK, Pcrelay packets, Fido. No Fees
SFTOPMSG.ZIP 5,489 11-28-93 SFTOPMSG v1.1; Create Display Files ListingTop Ten Message Entries - For SPITFIRE v3.?Use As An Event - BBS/CLR/RIP Support
SGA200.ZIP 20,164 07-19-93 SGA-Net Starter Pack for Day 200 SGA-Net isfairly new international network which spans3 countries and over 10 US states. Echo suchas Edhanced Software and SRGames (both withdirect links to the authors) and many othe
SKNET001.ZIP 7,381 07-29-93 Spark Network (zone 74); SparkNet, RéseauFrancophone Distribution compatible PKT & QWFichier d'information du réseau Coordinateur
SMILEY13.ZIP 11,238 06-20-93 Smiley v1.3; Allows for multi-linedescriptions when using TICK w/ Spitfire!Word Wrap, Comma insertion, fast run-time &easy setup.
SOB_008B.ZIP 117,706 10-19-93 Son of Bonk v0.08b with 4D Addressing
STATUS3J.ZIP 47,376 10-06-93 Status: Generate Export, Import, Last Importand Monthly Total bulletins with Postlinklog(s). Multi-Network. Rollovers. ANSI,ASCII, PCB color/mono support. Log utility.
STMAIL.ZIP 43,590 09-27-93 Statistics util rates Bulletin/Mail areas
SYSOPMVP.ZIP 2,607 08-19-93 Find out how you can become a member of theMVP Distribution Network and get all updatesand new releases of MVP Software sharewareproducts sent to you FREE before they areavailable anywhere else. Join our team!
TAPST12.ZIP 63,428 10-17-93 TriAutoPost v1.2; TriAutoPost is a door forTriBBS 5.x boards that will allow your usersto send Auto Messages of up to 4 lines.Supports aliases, keeps an optional log ofmessages sent, and now uses @-Codes in theAuto
TAP_0893.ZIP 7,516 08-15-93 TAP-Net E-Mail; The next generation E-Mailnetwork for the Technical/Programmer. TAP-Nehas over 100 conferences, and uses theRoseNet/QWK/FIDO mail transfer systems.
TCFG10.ZIP 29,633 08-07-93 TNETCFG, TNET.CFG file maker. TNET.CFG made
TDNPKG.ZIP 4,182 07-08-93 [The Delusional Network] EMail Systems Zone
TEEN0793.ZIP 10,381 07-10-93 Information on how to join TeenNet - a teensonly message network.
TENET893.ZIP 4,665 08-08-93 Information packet tells you everything youneed to know about Te-Net. This includesconference names.
TIC2S103.ZIP 15,191 08-04-93 Tic to Spitfire v3.3+ conversion program.
TMAIL9G2.ZIP 78,377 09-12-93 Terminate mail editor v1.00; The automaticpoint system for Terminate
TPOST102.ZIP 41,371 10-16-93 Tpost ver 102 Tick message poster forEchomail
TRANX05.ZIP 23,869 12-19-93 TranX v0.5; System to system CMOS clocksyncronizer
TRIFLAGS.ZIP 21,891 07-29-93 TriFlags; TriBBS Message Base Flags Utility.Enables the setting of the private, echo,received, permanent, and delete flags acrossa message conference, or for an individualmessage, while creating a backup.
TRINET70.ZIP 41,617 09-16-93 TriNet 7.0; QWK networking utility forTriBBS. Let's TriBBS boards join one of themany QWK-based netmail networks.
TRIPROT1.ZIP 20,606 09-18-93 TTprot to DSZ; Batch file of DSZ commands foput External Protocols in TriMail 7.x
TRNET601.ZIP 41,149 07-06-93 TriNet 6.01; QWK networking utility forTriBBS. Let's TriBBS boards join one of themany QWK-based netmail networks. This newversion features improved dupe checking.
TSSNET.ZIP 16,381 08-08-93 This is information on the TSSNET, a simpeTribbs Network using the TNET601 program.Good reading as well for those sysopsinterested in setting up their own net.
TXTBCST.ZIP 32,845 10-11-93 Turn a TXT file into a REP/QWK file.
USENET_.ZIP 44,496 07-09-93 Join the exciting world of USENET! You caneasily obtain USENET NewsGroups and otherservices via .QWK, .PKT (Fido) and UUCICOpackets. Here is how! (for SysOps only)
VRET893E.ZIP 8,808 08-08-93 Information on how to join the brand newVRETNET This net is for any BBS systemsintrested in Virtual Reality and NewTechnologies. A specific net to meet specifineeds! We need members! Join now! Regionaland State Hu
WAFGTB06.ZIP 70,174 10-03-93 WAFTOGT v1.0beta6; GT Sysops: Bring USENET tyour BBS! WAFTOGT brings the multitude ofgroups that make up Usenet to your GT PowerBBS! It will also import E-mail for yourusers, and can bounce back mail sent tounknown
WAXNET1A.ZIP 5,382 08-03-93 WaxNet Application; Join an exciting new QWKstyle network with no legnthy applicationtime and you don't have to sign away yourfirst born to join. Download this today! 17varying conversation groups that all userswil
WCBAT.ZIP 7,918 08-28-93 Batch file fixer for Wildcat & FrontDoor(2.02/2.10/2.20).
WCLAW893.ZIP 14,696 08-25-93 WCLawNet; The Law Enforcement Echo MailNetwork! WCLawNet is a Echo Mail Networkdedicated to the Law Enforcement and Publiccommunities for the purpose of informationexchange. WCLAWNET.ZIP contains Information,Script,
WCPAK_29.ZIP 17,206 09-17-93 WinCNet (WinK-Net) Info Packet. The Place tobe in '93! Men and Women! Based in RI. Wetreat the users like VIP's, listening totheir ideas, wants and desires. Using Tnet,Rnet, Cnet and FIDO style transfers.Accessib
WDNETNOD.ZIP 7,602 10-01-93 The WildCat Distribution Network NODELIST
WINPM102.ZIP 418,242 09-02-93 Windows PMAIL-MHS eMail package
WTICK985.ZIP 39,315 01-12-94 Wildtick - The simple TIC processor forWildcat 3.x. v0.985 open beta test forWildcat sysops. Wildtick is a simple to useTIC-processing system for Wildcat BBS versio3 and higher. Integrates with Tomcat andWCFile.
ZNEWS97C.ZIP 54,533 07-30-93 ZipNews; FAST Usenet News access for PCBoardWildcat! and Waffle BBS systems; v0.97c BETACan handle news article uploads from the newZipNews Reader/Mailer (available separately)Registered version of the door can handl